Monday, February 5, 2018

Unusual Foods With Huge Health Benefits


I spend a lot of time researching different foods, herbs, spices and supplements. It is easy to get swayed into trying many of these by the many promises they offer in the arena of preventing disease and different conditions. I do not believe in any magic bullet for cures of any kind,  but there are many wonderful foods out there that can often be considered like medicine.  I try to find several sources  in my research that concur on any new idea, thought or product. I am going to share these three products with you that I have found to have many health benefits.

Black Garlic: 

 Most of us are familiar with garlic and use it to spruce up many different dishes. Black garlic is something many have probably not heard about.  The black garlic has more allicin than white garlic which is the most important health ingredient of garlic.  Black garlic is a stronger antioxidant and rich in more amino acids than white garlic. The black garlic is actually regular garlic that has been carefully fermented.  The flavor and scent is less strong, but very flavorful.  The black garlic also comes in supplements if you are not fond of adding garlic to your food. 

Broccoli Sprouts 

These little sprouts  rich in Sulforaphane which is reported to be a substance that can help the body stay free from many diseases. I use these tasty little sprouts in salads and when I make  a healthy sandwich of tuna or chicken on whole grain bread.  I even add them to soups and stews.  I keep a small container in my fridge all the time and try to incorporate it in some dish on a daily basis.

Here is a list of a few of the benefits
1.Lowers cholesterol
2. Helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy
3. Supports brain health
4. Anti inflammatory.
5. Protects muscles

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds is another product I keep stored in my pantry. You can eat these little back seeds raw or cooked for their health benefits. I add these seeds to soups and salads and even meatloaf and stews. These seeds are not for munching as a snack by themselves.  These seeds aid digestion primarily and support healthy skin and can help regulate blood sugar.  The seeds have  a large quantity of manganese, magnesium,  calcium and vitamins A,B,D and E.  Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants and Omega 3. These seeds provide a simple way to get all of these vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Do you have any special healthy tips of something you enjoy consuming?  I would love to hear of any different ideas.  I have a few more up my sleeve and will save them for another day.

1 comment:

  1. I've never had black garlic, but love regular garlic so I'm going to have to try this! Chia seeds are one of my favorites and I add them to protein shakes and energy bars and salads.

    I enjoy making homemade hummus to dip raw veggies in. And I don't know where I'd be without my grass-fed butter, natural peanut butter and giant salads.
