Saturday, March 17, 2018

Lets Talk Tooth Paste

It goes without saying we are bombarded with choices today from cereal to automobiles.  Gone are the days with 3 or 4 choices to make whether watching TV or making a purchase.

The toothpaste aisle is similar to the cereal aisle with a huge amount of brands, flavors and benefits.  You can whitened and brighten your teeth, you can get rid of plaque and even cure periodontal disease.  Flavors range from different mints to fruit flavors.  All toothpastes promise healthy teeth.

I decided to head out to the store and check the different brands and pay attention to the multitude of ingredients.  Most of these ingredients are very difficult to pronounce let alone understand where they come from.  There are also some private brand  toothpastes which also incorporate many different ingredients.  I do not know of anyone who has gotten sick from toothpaste but it has left me wondering how these mystery ingredients work in our bodies.

Most of us feel that toothpaste is no big deal.  We swish in our mouths and hope are teeth get cleaned well.  However, any product that gets on our skin or inside our mouths travel to our bloodstreams Not to mention how much toothpaste we swallow.    Today with most products people feel if they taste good they must be good for your health. 

A few years ago I decided to create my own toothpaste and not have to worry about all these different ingredients.  Different companies that produce over the counter products which include mouthwashes, pain medication etc.  are out to get your business one way or another.  Not to mention to tremendous competition between the old companies and the new emerging ones.   Most large companies that produce  packaged foods are now involved in many other enterprises.  The bandwagon for new businesses in the consumer arena is huge.

I am here to share my simple recipe for toothpaste which has worked well for me.

1/4 cup of baking soda
Enough coconut oil to get a thick mixture (but one you can put on your toothbrush)
1/4 teaspoon of xylitol for a little sweetener (optional)
about 6 or 7 drops of peppermint or lemon essential oil

Blend well together and store in a small container.

I use the lemon at night and peppermint during the day.

The coconut oil helps remove bacterial from your mouth and the baking soda is a great cleanser.

I have been making many of my own skin and beauty lotions and potions for several years now, and I love that I know what goes into them.

Find out more about this from my book:  Amazon: Feel Better Every Day

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Retirement can be a full time job

In the past, before we retired I would ask people what they did in their retirement.  I thought that if I retired from working I would have nothing to do.

Today retirement is a job--though maybe an exaggeration about being full time.

First of all lets talk about electronics.  It is true you can stay in the dark ages and avoid computers, cable TV and cell phones.  However you would miss Facebook and not know what everyone is doing.  You would be forced to stay in touch by telephone and hand written letters.  The joy of waking up to Facebook would not be part of your agenda. You could not look forward to the daily hundred emails selling you everything from houses to hearing aids.

 Without your computer you would be faced with going to the library to research  or catching the news daily to know what is happening in our world. And leaving your house without a cell phone could cause severe stress and the fear of breaking down at any time.  These are all wonderful inventions however they need love and care.  You have to get the computer worked on when it doesn't work and there is no computer genius in your home.  The cable goes out and you have to call the cable company.  You may spend hours on the phone pressing buttons and talking to a robot.  Or you may get lucky and talk to a real person.  Problem is solved. However a week later the same problem may occur and back on the phone.

Cell phones need updates and hopefully you know how to take care of these. The time comes when you need to buy a new cell phone and don't know what to get unless you have a genius in your home. And you have to figure out the best plan and can easily get swayed by a good sales pitch.

This painting I created when thinking of all the chaos going on today in cities everywhere.

Paying bills is simple today if you know how to pay online.  Many people enjoy this way of paying bills.  Problems still arise with bills and you are back on the phone trying to get the bills straightened out.

A new worry has developed with our electronics or even if you pay your bills by mail---cloning and hacking are part of our vocabulary today.  Time to get protection from Lifelock or one of the companies that protects you from someone using your information.

Insurance is a huge factor in our lives.  Remember when you just bought life insurance? Today there is insurance for everything.  We need protection with everything we do and have.

Managing money is another item that takes a lot of time.  Prices are going up at a rampant rate and our incomes often stay the same.  Budgeting and making changes is something we must be aware of.

Free time and how to spend it.  What was busy when we were young is different from what is busy today.   Remember the days when you worked, took care of kids and still maintained your home?  Though your kids may be grown life often does not feel any easier.

Having pets today can be a challenging adventure and expensive.  I used to take our cats in to the veterinarian when something was wrong, and all of them lived to a ripe old age without six month check ups.

Repairs seem to be a weekly activity aside from the electronics.  Something always needs fixing from changing light bulbs on our 9 foot ceiling to garbage disposals that get stubborn.

I almost forgot about all the decisions we must make every day.  With Netflix, Hula, Showtime, HBO etc we have more than a thousand shows to choose for our viewing pleasure.  And how often do you say there is nothing to watch.

Take some time out today to think of all the details you have to take care of on a daily basis.

I was inspired to write this post when my husband spent an entire day trying to get a bill worked out.  We were waiting for a refund which took six months to get and daily phone calls.  Who says retirement is easy?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Eating Fish for Healthy Diets

We try to have fish for dinner at least two or three times a week.  Coming up with creative ways to cook fish takes some doing.  It seems like when you talk about chicken and creating a  healthy dinner there are so different and delicious recipes.  Eating fish is great for healthy diets.

Since my husband does all the grocery shopping he usually brings home whatever fish is on sale for the week.  Our favorites are Ahi, Salmon and swordfish.

Ahi is the easiest to cook as it can be rare in the center and is easy to determine when it is done.  I usually marinate the fish in the fallowing mixture:
1/4 cup of olive oil
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon each of basil, tarragon and oregano
Salt and pepper to tatste

I mix the ingredients together and pour over the fish on both sides.  I allow the fish to sit for about an hour in the fridge.

I heat up a small pan and brown on each side until  the outsides are cooked.  Some of you may prefer to cook the fish until it is completely cooked. 

Salmon is also easy to cook, but the minute it goes from translucent to opaque it must be removed from the pan or broiler.  I also marinate this fish in the above marinade.  If you are an expert griller this fish tastes wonderful barbecued.  Another easy way cook salmon is to season the salmon with salt and pepper, a squirt of lemon juice and  a tablespoon of sesame seed oil and wrap completely in foil and bake for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

I am not nearly as creative with fish as I am with beef, chicken, pork or lamb.  The most important thing about cooking fish is amount of time you cook whatever fish you choose.  Meat and chicken are far more forgiving.  I will admit that I have actually thrown out overcooked fish a few times. 

Speaking of overcooking fish I did come up with a way to use the damaged fish.  I cooked the fish and cut it in small pieces or shred it you can.  I added some mayonnaise, cider vinegar along with capers, chopped celery and sunflower seeds.  I seasoned the fish with basil, oregano, cumin and salt and pepper.  It actually made a tasty salad.

There are many health benefits to eating fish.  The first one is that most fish contain a lot of Omega 3 plus vitamins and minerals.  Fish is generally low calorie and is suitable for many weight loss diets. The best part about eating fish is that I eat much less fish than beef.  A serving of 5 ounces is plenty but I seem to really like at least 8 ounces of pork or steak. 

Maybe you have had enough of my fishy story today.  Check out my book for some really good fish recipes.

Amazon Book Feel Better Every Day

Friday, March 9, 2018

What is Eating Healthy?

What makes up eating healthy and what does it really mean to eat truly healthfully?  Many times people will tell me how healthy they eat. At that time they often go into what they think makes up a healthy diet.  Usually claiming that  read labels and buy only whole wheat, natural and low sugar products.  I have to say, if this is true it is probably better than eating fast foods.

These healthy eaters claim they have tons of veggies but often fail to explain how these vegetables are cooked.  Healthy vegetables can lose a lot of their health value when over cooked, sauces added and sit too long in the fridge.  Though there is nothing wrong with corn and potatoes, and they do contain some vitamins and minerals, but they are also full of starch.  People often claim to love salads, and what starts out as a healthful salad full of nutrition is overloaded with bottled salad dressing.  And please don't claim to use low calorie dressings until after you read the label.

Is vegan and vegetarian a healthy way to eat? I love animal protein so hopefully  you won't think I am biased.  Many vegetarians allow themselves eggs and cheese, and will eat pasta by the bucketful. Their diets are often laden with sugar and salt and foods with preservatives.  Vegans have a strict fruit and vegetable diet but still can make brownies with coconut flour etc.  The paleo diet is probably one I could follow as you can eat animal protein as well as a large variety of produce.  The latest craze is the Keto diet which encourages about 70 percent of fat and the rest protein and some fruits and vegetables.

I rarely have someone confess to me they eat a really bad diet, because in reality they think they are eating healthfully.  Very often they rationalize while commenting that they had their yearly coke, a rare piece of cake and a small piece of pizza.  I have peaked into friends pantry and fridge and sometimes amazed at finding canned everything, packaged cookies and crackers, cases of coke or diet coke. 

It is all about being truthful to yourself.  If you drink ten cans of beer a day own up to it.  If you go through a box of cookies in an hour face it. 

We really eat healthfully and have an ongoing healthy diet with lots of produce and the usual grass fed beef, wild caught fish and organic chickens, but we occasionally will have some of my favorite flavor ice cream, a fatty steak, or some other treat.  The keyword is occasionally and really meaning just that.  And remember restaurant food at its best is not always healthful.

For some really healthful ideas on staying healthy check out my Amazon book   Feel Better Every Day

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Making Wise Choices is the Best Way to Stay Trim

Sounds easy doesn't it?  A plate of cookies out of the oven or fresh carrot sticks--what will you eat?
I think before I eat everything but this eating habit is now based on my subconscious mind.   I allow myself a few indulgences either every week or when I know we are going to a fabulous restaurant or being served some fabulous dessert. Not only does conscious thinking and choosing keep off the pounds but also creates healthy eating patterns.

First of all I rarely if ever have anything sugary or foods made with white flower in my house.  Most of my food doesn't have labels.  However, every once in a while I get a yen for something very fattening and unhealthy.  If I am home I let it pass by as the grocery store is a 20 minute drive.

When I go to a party and there is tons of food, I scan the table and put on my plate only my very favorite foods.  If there is nothing that is calling to me I may just have a small piece or serving of this or that.

When we go out to a restaurant and potatoes and veggies come with the main course I ask for double veggies and skip the potatoes.  If bread is served and it is not my absolute favorite I ignore it.  Why eat a fattening dessert after eating a huge meal?

I will occasionally order a sandwich but often turn it into a half sandwich and hold the mayo.

Salad bars are tricky.  I scan the selections and avoid cheese, bacon and pasta which also makes for healthy eating.  I do admit to treating myself to my favorite Ranch dressing.  I never use the low calorie selection as what it lacks in calories it lacks in taste.  And who knows what is creating the taste which is often sweet.

You can learn to say no which feels wonderful after you have not added a pound to your body by eating several chocolate chip cookies.  Pick out the few things you absolutely adore and indulge with a planned event.  I always know when I am going to eat something from my "forbidden" list.  I do enjoy those few moments when digging into a treat and know I have sanctioned it.

For Health recipes check out my book  Feel Better Every Day on Amazon