Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lets Clean Bathrooms and Kitchens Naturally

For many years I had a houseful of  a variety of assorted cleaning solutions.  I had one for the bathroom, kitchen and floors etc.  Most of the cleaners come in aerosol cans.  When I got on my super health kick about 10 years ago I decided to try making some of my own cleaners with natural ingredients.  We often don’t stop to think if the fumes we are inhaling  are harmful;  and  I decided after a coughing spell I had enough of the aerosol cleaners. Keeping your home as non toxic as possible is a great way to add to your good health.  So good bye to bathroom cleaners as well as all purpose cleaners

* Borax Cleaner:  All Purpose cleaner

Blend the following ingredients and pour mixture into a pump bottle. 
1 teaspoon borax 
2 tablespoons Castile soap 
. teaspoon washing soda (See recipe below.) 
6-7 drops of essential oil: lemon, geranium, lavender or rose 
2 cups water 

Bathroom All around cleaner

A spray bottle.
1/2 cup of baking soda
1/2 up of white vinegar
1 cut of water
10 drops of lemon or grapefruit essential oil

Put the baking soda in the bottle
Careful and slowly pour in the water
Add the white vinegar
Try to to jiggle the bottle gently  until all settled
Add the essential oil

* Easy Kitchen Cleaner: Combine the following ingredients in a spray bottle to produce a quick, multi-purpose cleaning solution. This is so simple and so effective. Clean and sanitize both. 
1 cup distilled vinegar 
2 cups water 
5 drops favorite essential oil: lemon, lavender or grapefruit 

Baking soda

I keep a cup of baking soda in each bathroom, under the sink, next to the litter box and in the fridge.

When I am in a hurry I pour some baking soda on a damp rag and give my bathrooms the once over along with the kitchen sink and counter. 

I pour a little in the litter box every day and it keeps the room smelling fresh
I keep a cup of the baking soda in the fridge to keep it from picking up odors from  everything that is in the fridge.

Another great use for baking soda is when heart burn strikes.  Put a teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink.  It is not the most tasty drink in the world but it does the trick. 

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