Monday, November 20, 2017

Essential Oils--Some New Ones To Add to your Repetoire

I love essential oils and use them often in many of my solutions.  I love making my own lotions and potions, toothpaste, cleaning solutions and mixing and matching. Finding the appropriate oil for different blends is fun and challenging. There are probably about 20 essential oils that people are familiar with.  These oils are the ones that come up first on the list of uses, however there are many more different oils.  I am just beginning to experiment with some different oils.  I want to share with you their benefits and uses.  

As you are well aware of these oils are hitting the market big coming in a variety of different brands. Always check the labels to make sure these oils are pure and always come in dark color glass.
A word of warning:  These oils are highly concentrated and many of them do not blend well together. Also some oils have some warning issues and they often do not mix with prescription drugs and even over the counter medicine.  If you have concerns always do some research and check with your health provider.

Cypress Essential Oil: This oil has been in my repertoire for quite a while.  I use it when I am putting together a blend for pain and discomfort. It is reported to be beneficial for blood clotting and healing wounds and infections.  I enjoy the scent and find it does work well for pain conditions.

Clary Sage Essential Oil:  I add this essential oil to my stress and anxiety blend.  The oil  is touted to fight depression and create a calming atmosphere.   It is reported to help balance hormones also.  When your skin feels dry and itchy this essential oil is very effective.  As we know there is no oil that will take away our problems, but this is just another way to give us some temporary relief while we are processing challenges in our lives.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil: I always gravitate towards essential oils that have a lovely scent and promote calmness and address stress and anxiety.  This oil is considered to be a natural reliever of allergies as well as its calming effect. I also add it to my insomnia blend and it really seems to work. It is also good for digestion.

Celery Seed Essential Oil

Most of us may have heard of the benefits of eating  celery for high blood pressure.  You have to eat three stalks a day for this benefit.  I use celery seed in my cooking almost daily in place of that.  It is considered safe to add celery essential oil to foods but you may want to look into this more thoroughly. I have never personally used it in cooking.   It can be used in massage oils to help high blood pressure. You can blend it with other compatible oils for a soothing skin lotions such as ginger, lavender and coriander.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic information Carol as i too love essential oils and the variety of ways they benefit our health and life in general, thumbs up my friend!
