Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Supplements for a variety of health conditions

Supplements are a wonderful way to fill in the gaps for good health.  It is a challenge to get all we need in the way of vitamins, minerals and supplements from food.  However, supplements are not a substitute for healthy eating.  A diet of fast food will not be exonerated from a handful of supplements.  If you check the minimum daily requirement of supplements also including fiber you would have to work extremely hard to create perfect meals to get all you need for a healthy diet.

Sometimes it feels like we see people eating poorly  day after day and they seem healthy enough. And it could be they are part of that .0001 percent that no matter what they eat or drink will live to 90 in good health.  However, I personally believe that we mortals have to pay attention to what we eat everyday, and see to it we get the appropriate amount of  supplements.

Beet Root Powder
This supplement has become very popular in the past few years. Beets have a large amount of nitric oxide.  And eating enough beats would be a difficult task on a daily basis.  It is reported to increase your stamina and keep your blood pressure with in the healthy marker. I add the powder to water and drink it every morning.  My blood pressure used to run a little high and now is in the norma parameters.

This supplement is bright red in color and is found in watermelon, tomatoes, tomato juice, pink grapefruit and papaya. This carotenoid supports the cardiovascular system and prostate health.  There are a few warnings with this supplement so it is a good idea to check with your health provider before taking it.

Coenzyme Q10
This supplement is naturally produce in our bodies but it diminishes as we age. This supplement supports heart health.  It is found in beef, poultry, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, sesame seeds and pistachio nuts. 

Although Ginseng is considered an herb it is available in a variety of different supplements. It helps reduce inflammation and has been used to treat a variety of conditions.  The most popular source to get Ginseng is in a variety of different teas.

The internet is a wonderful place to research different vitamins, supplements and minerals.  Make sure to check reputable websites written by  Doctors and professionals you trust.  

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