Friday, March 9, 2018

What is Eating Healthy?

What makes up eating healthy and what does it really mean to eat truly healthfully?  Many times people will tell me how healthy they eat. At that time they often go into what they think makes up a healthy diet.  Usually claiming that  read labels and buy only whole wheat, natural and low sugar products.  I have to say, if this is true it is probably better than eating fast foods.

These healthy eaters claim they have tons of veggies but often fail to explain how these vegetables are cooked.  Healthy vegetables can lose a lot of their health value when over cooked, sauces added and sit too long in the fridge.  Though there is nothing wrong with corn and potatoes, and they do contain some vitamins and minerals, but they are also full of starch.  People often claim to love salads, and what starts out as a healthful salad full of nutrition is overloaded with bottled salad dressing.  And please don't claim to use low calorie dressings until after you read the label.

Is vegan and vegetarian a healthy way to eat? I love animal protein so hopefully  you won't think I am biased.  Many vegetarians allow themselves eggs and cheese, and will eat pasta by the bucketful. Their diets are often laden with sugar and salt and foods with preservatives.  Vegans have a strict fruit and vegetable diet but still can make brownies with coconut flour etc.  The paleo diet is probably one I could follow as you can eat animal protein as well as a large variety of produce.  The latest craze is the Keto diet which encourages about 70 percent of fat and the rest protein and some fruits and vegetables.

I rarely have someone confess to me they eat a really bad diet, because in reality they think they are eating healthfully.  Very often they rationalize while commenting that they had their yearly coke, a rare piece of cake and a small piece of pizza.  I have peaked into friends pantry and fridge and sometimes amazed at finding canned everything, packaged cookies and crackers, cases of coke or diet coke. 

It is all about being truthful to yourself.  If you drink ten cans of beer a day own up to it.  If you go through a box of cookies in an hour face it. 

We really eat healthfully and have an ongoing healthy diet with lots of produce and the usual grass fed beef, wild caught fish and organic chickens, but we occasionally will have some of my favorite flavor ice cream, a fatty steak, or some other treat.  The keyword is occasionally and really meaning just that.  And remember restaurant food at its best is not always healthful.

For some really healthful ideas on staying healthy check out my Amazon book   Feel Better Every Day

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