Thursday, October 19, 2017

Solutions for Getting You to Sleep

It is no fun when you cannot fall asleep and find yourself tossing and turning.  Ands thoughts fill your head of how tired you will be the next day.  That alone can keep you awake.  Remember when you were young and you went to sleep and woke up 8 hours later.  As you age sleep does get interrupted and it is considered normal.  To me if I can fall back to sleep in a reasonable amount of time I am happy.

Insomnia seems to become more apparent as we age and there are many reasons this occurs.
1. Age
2. Stress
3. Night time eating
4. Prescription drugs
5. Health conditions

According to experts we can try these suggestions:

  1. Going to sleep the same time every night
  2. No Electronics in the bedroom
  3. A warm bath

Going to sleep at the same time is not always possible or desirable.  Most of us having this problem are retired or working part time.  We want to go to bed when we want.

Many of us enjoyi watching TV in bed and are probably not going to change this routine.
You may want to take a warm bath before going to bed.  Try adding several drops of lavender essential oil or sandalwood essential oil and relax.

Here are a few thoughts that I personally have tried and they seem to work.

  1. Avoid hi carb or snacks with sugar before bedtime as it can be a stimulant
  2. When brushing teeth before bed avoid a peppermint toothpaste.  This may sound silly but peppermint can be a stimulant also.
  3. Have a small serving of cottage cheese which is rich in calcium and may help you relax
  4. Try a five minute meditation to calm you down
  5. Melatonin which is actually a hormone  works very well when you use it infrequently i works.. 
  6. Have a warm cup of Chamomile tea. 
  7. Spray magnesium oil on the bottom of your feet and this will also relax you
  8. Sprinkle some lavender, sandalwood or vetiver essential oil on your pillow case.

Here is my recipe for sleeplessness with essential oils

  1. 4 drops of lavender essential
  2. 3 drops of vetiver essential oil
  3. 3 drops of sandalwood essential oils
  4. 3 tablespoons of coconut oil

  1. Melt the coconut oil in the microwave
  2. Add the essential oils and blend together
  3. Put in a small glass mason jar and refrigerate for about an hour
  4. Put a few drops behind your ears and on your wrists.
*If the oil is too solid add a small amount of jojoba, apricot or sweet almond oil and stir.

Fill the diffuser

Diffusers are great to enjoy a lovely scent in any room.  They are easy to use so follow the instructions.

Add several drops of lavender essential oil oil with water in your diffuser.  Follow the instructions and allow the lovely scent to put you off to sleep.

Do you have any special solutions for falling asleep?  Would love to hear from you.

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