Friday, November 10, 2017

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has hit the market with a vengeance over the past several years.. It has many claims for good health and beauty and a gazillion uses.  I always have a large jar around my house for the  many ways I choose to use this fabulous oil.  Coconut oil is saturated and for years that has been touted as bad for your health.  Now it is touted for being good for your health.  You can take your choice.  However after doing a lot of research about this oil I find it to be truly amazing. in many ways.  

One of the biggest claims is that coconut oil can lessen the  effects of Alzheimer’s disease.  There have been case studies where regular intake of coconut oil has brought relief for those suffering from this debilitating disease.  My personal feeling here is  that if it truly worked for many people wouldn't everyone with the disease take it ever day.  However it could be worth a try.

Here are some of the claims that you may or may not have read
  1. This oil  Improves  your immune system.  Perhaps taking a dose of this oil will improve your immune system staving off bacterial and viral infections.  I do put some coconut oil on my toast everyday.  I will let you know how this works.
  2. Coconut oil is reported to aid digestion.  So far my digestive system seems to cooperate and I feel fine. 
  3. It is reported to keep all your organs healthy.  I cannot comment on that one but it would be nice to be insured of this. 
  4. Many claim adding coconut oil to their diet lessens hunger and it is easier to lose weight.
  5. Another report is that coconut oil increases the good cholesterol in the blood.

I use coconut oil as a carrier oil for the many lotions and potions I make.  It does contain a small amount SPF for sunscreen mixtures.  As the oil is in solid state adding different oils and essential oils keeps it easy to apply.  I find it works well with all of my essential oils.
I sometimes just lather coconut oil  on face and hands..  Every once a while I heat up some coconut oil and give myself a hot oil treatment. for my hair.  My hair becomes soft and manageable. 

I  often cook with coconut oil  blending it with other oils.  The oil can easily reach high temperatures. without smoking  I want to be sure I don’t miss any of the reported benefits of coconut oil.  Also one more fact.  Our brains are made up of 60 percent saturated fat and coconut is reported to nourish our brains.   We may want skinny bodies but not skinny brains.  I just touched on this subject a bit as there is so much information about saturated fat and its benefit for the brain.  Please do some research as it may change how you feel about fat in general.

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